Still remember an old post of mine about me having a hard time to sleep? Well here's a part 2. But this time it isn't about banana trees. It is something else. Something horrible enough to make me depressed for a couple of days. Here's how the story goes...
Have you ever watched a movie...uh no, a documentary, more precisely, entitled "The Music Industry Exposed"? It has been broadcast a year ago. But I just watched it last week. And that's the reason of my depression.

From the title itself, I believe you can have a rough guess about what does this documentary reviewing about. But I think not many of you would guess it right. If you haven't watched it you would never understand why was I in such a state of depression after watching it. Maybe you would think I was too sensitive or I took this matter too seriously but I couldn't help it. I had a real shock when I first started to watch the documentary. Cos I never expect what I saw.
I don't really want to talk about the details cos I don't want to make myself depressed even more. Anyway, briefly, I would say it reviews about the involvement of Illuminati in the music industry. Especially Hollywood. According to Wikipedia, Illuminati is a name given to several groups, both historical and modern, and both real and fictitious. But in modern times and also in this documentary, this term actually refers to an organization which acts as a shadowy "power behind the throne", controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations, the masterminds behind events that will lead to the establishment of a New World Order. If you ever notice some popular songs, there're always these similar words in the song lyrics such as New World Order, Rain Man...etc. Actually all these words have their specific meanings inside the songs. I never know what does a Rain Man means until I watched this doc. It actually means the devil. The Satan. I bet you must be thinking what does it got to do with the songs. Have you ever wonder why all these songs kept repeating the same lyrics?
Tell you the truth, it is because those singers are singing these words for Satan. They have sold their souls to the devil in order to become famous/rich. In other words, for FAME/MONEY. In exchange, they need to embrace the devil in any way they can. This includes song lyrics, music videos, concerts, etc. That is why we often see screenshots like money falling, black-and-white checkers, goat's head/horn, pyramid and so on in some music videos. In fact, those are the symbols/signs of satanism and it proves the worship of Satan in those artists. Hard to believe, eh? There are more examples in the doc that explains further in details which I do not feel like writing them down here. Cos I'm trying not to think too much about it. So if you are curious and want to know more, please do not hesitate to watch this documentary. I bet it'd scare the hell out of ya.
Anyway, I still remember the night when I woke up at around 2am all of a sudden. Cos I felt I was sweating all over during my sleep. Cold sweat I suppose. I knew the trauma after watching the documentary still hasn't gotten out of me so I got up instead of forcing myself to sleep back. I felt scared and went to find my housemates to accompany me but of course, they slept already. I got no choice but to turn on the laptop and find anyone who's still online to chat with. I needed to tell someone how I felt. It's not good to keep things by myself. I gotta release the pressure. So I found this friend in facebook and started to chat with him. Just the moment I wanted to express my thoughts, I started to cry. Naturally. Oh gosh. It's been a long time since I last cried. I felt hopeless and didn't know what else to believe. This world has corrupted and everyone's following the devil's order. Darkness has come. The end of the world will be coming soon. My heart sank and all I knew was I was weeping on my bed in silence...

But luckily, I'm getting over it slowly now. So no worries. I believe in miracles. I believe in God. I promise I'll be strong and stay positive. I will survive.
-written in 2009-
this is why we need prayers, lot of prayer.
u play guitar i remember, play some soft comforting song from church or whatsoever that able to bring u into His presence.
im in the midst of exams and projects, fighting hard to graduate, those tender and heart filling worship song is my comforter, never fail.
u are not alone, be bold and be strong =)
thanks for the advice and support Andy...yea we need lots of prayer...He will listen to our prayers and help us overcome any troubles that we face...believe in Him and worship Him...everything will be alright...
good girl. =D
one good example - lady gaga??
ken: yep Lady Gaga is the most obvious and worst among them...some other examples are Eminem, Rihanna, DMX...even Michael Jackson also one of them but he was innocent 'cause he didn't know anything...poor MJ...T.T
You are so cuteeeee! I'm not like laughing at you or anything. I find you cute coz you actually feel THAT much til you cried. Gosh.
Anw, I've known about this like 10+ years ago when I was a teenager back then. Was really shocked like you are now. But as you grow older, you'll no longer be that naive to anyhow "believe" in ALL these songs/musicians.
Of course, there are still some good music/songs/singers/bands around. Don't lose faith in music!
Oh btw, if Im not wrong, "Hotel California" if played backwards, you'll hear satanic lyrics too.
So nowadays I keep my mind open and not blindly listen to songs. I don't like satanic stuffs. Don't wanna have anything to do with 'em.
zazabong: aww first time got ppl say im flattered~ > < btw thanks for the advice yeah...i still have faith in music. =]
oh i'm so impress about this post.,actually I'm a christian believer too, I'm so touch about this article..i agree about this..I'm also a musician..
and pls visit our church site.,
i'm so encourage about this thats true.,.i'm christian too/.pls visit our site thanks
i' a christian too..i sell christian t-shirt..i'm so impress about this site
visit my site thanks
Happy Tuesday my friend.
Calais rain.
jarc: thanks fren...and wow you're a musician? cool~ good to see you here ^ ^
artblog: thanks...=]
fjc: i see...thanks for dropping a comment here =]
Tebinfea: Happy Tuesday to you too. brw what language is that? Calais rain. Teb.
Wow! That genuinely hit the mark, and this comment is to say thanks!
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