Recently I've been hearing a lot about marriage/coupling thingy from uncles and aunties surrounding specifically my mom and her friends. From what they said, they will NEVER agree on marriage between different races. They think it's a disgrace for our own kind. There has been a lot of cases that Chinese marrying a non-Chinese (no matter he/she is a Malay/Bumiputra/Indian) and all of those Chinese are being looked down by their own race. Though not all but most Chinese feel that way. Especially the elderly.
So I am being advised (maybe 'warned' more accurately) not to find a boyfriend that is not a Chinese. I don't know I should laugh or cry. Laugh cos I think it's kind of funny. Cry cos I somehow disagree with their perceptions. But not 100%. I still agree on some points. Half-half perhaps? I do have a lot of friends who are mixed-race and they seem fine to me. I mean their families are still living in harmony like normal families. No fightings/divorces due to cultural differences. And most of them are very intelligent/pretty/handsome. Envy them much. So I think marriage between different races is not a bad thing after all.
But sadly most Chinese can't bear to marry a non-Chinese. Not to say we are racists. We still befriend lots of Malays/Bumiputras/Indians. It's just that Chinese care too much about one's reputation. We care a lot about how people look at us. 爱面子. I guess that's the main reason.
Anyway this topic reminds me of Peter Chao lol.
So leave me your thoughts at the comment section berrow!
Teehee (imitating Ryan from NigaHiga) xD